“Truly, a forgotten treasure.” -Mr. Sims

There are many reasons why I visit Chris’s Invincible Super-Blog every afternoon while eating my lunch….my interest in all things Mind Force, for one…and it’s the only decent site out there where I can get my “ROM ON” on a regular basis.

But most importanyly, like myself, Mr. Sims is a man obsessed with ALL THINGS AWESOME….like this:



Pretty fucking rad, huh? Peep the post about a gorilla using a machine gun…on a tank…until he runs out of ammo…then takes on a batch of Nazis…with his fists…HERE.

But we’re not here to talk Nazis or gorillas today, kids….Well, I mean, we couldever see a gorilla wrassel a gladiator?

(Clip courtesy of Gorillanaut…of course!)

Nice…anyway…um, where was I? Oh, The ISB!

lbw041So, Mr. Sims was doing his yearly recap the other day and he mentioned his discovery of DC’s all-but-forgotten kids’ comic, Li’l Bruce Wayne!

What the?!

I know what you’re thinking…and it’s along the lines of, “Comics are for babies, Canacorn…make with the pornography…

I mean, “No way! A Richie Rich style comic about Bruce Wayne’s childhood? Awesome!” ‘Cause that’s what I thought too! Peep the Wiki entry:

Often disregarded as part of any continuity, Li’l Bruce Wayne was a long-running series of light-hearted comic books aimed at children, detailing the life of a young, fantastically wealthy Bruce Wayne (known in the series as “The Happiest Kid On Earth”) in the years before the deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne and his subsequent transformation into Batman.

The series was originally created by Bill Finger and Jerry Robinson to fill a gap in DC’s publishing schedule after the cancellation of More Fun Comics in 1946, and ran through the majority of the Silver Age despite being regarded by editors and fans alike as being “extremely depressing” [citation needed] and is usually left out of any discussion of the character. It is notable, however, as being the first published comic book work of writer/artist Frank Miller.”

Oh man, I won’t spoil his entire post (which you should read by clicking HERE), but I just have to share this one last cover…(this one’s for the nerds)

So Long, Mom and Dad. LBW Final Issue Special

So Long, Mom and Dad. LBW Final Issue Special

Man-Up Mondays!

Is he man, mite, imp, or just an all around pain in the ass?

Why he’s all of the above…he’s BATMITE! With all the Bat-hype going on it was just soooo obvious to spotlight Batmite. Joker-schmoker…I’m sure Heath is all great and everything, but I really don’t care about the new Bat-franchise. The first movie left me cold and I have zero desire to see the new one. But if Batmite was in it, that would be a whole ‘nother story!

People seem to treat Batmite like he’s some sort of Scrappy Doo or Cousin Oliver….nothing is further from the truth! If you care to remember, Batmite was created waaaay back in 1959…he wasn’t added later to appeal to a younger audience or inject new life into a sinking title. Oh no, my friends, Batmite was following in the footsteps of such wonderful Pre-Crisis characters like Ace the Bat-Hound and Beppo the Super Monkey!
We’re talking Silver Age greatness here, people. Comics got good and goofy with hearty fistfuls of super-science stories and mind melting artwork before things took a turn for the grim and gritty. Batmite embodies this goofiness, with his unabashed idolizing of The Batman and his ability to fuck most things up in the most ridiculous way. He doesn’t mean to be a fuck-up, he just wants to push Batman to greater heights is all. What good is an idol if he just sits around brooding all day over the death of his parents? None good. Who wants to look up to a boorish, brooding, Murray-Mope-Around? Not Batmite…and not me! Batmite is good for The Batman, I tell you…and I’m not alone in this. Just look at The New Adventures of Batman and Superman and Batman: World’s Funnest..shit, even Frank Miller and Grant Morrison have used our little imp! Don’t believe me? Google that shit, yo!

Say it loud and say it proud, “We Want Batmite!

Soundtrack to my life…

This morning I decided it was finally time to make a soundtrack section in my vinyl collection. I’ve been toying with the idea for a couple of weeks now and I took on the challenge this morning. I know all record collectors have very specific ways of filing their LPs (even if that means just tossing them around in no particular order…shudder), but I’m a hard and fast “alphabetical order” kind of Virgo….so making a section, any kind of section goes against my nature. It’s all, alpha by artist and alpha by title if it’s a soundtrack or compilation, all the time.

Last year I tried to pull out all my soundtracks and snap a picture of them for an old blog…it looked like this:

It was a total pain in the ass and I neglected to pull out at least 10 additional titles….the alpha order system was not helping me find all my soundtracks and it was getting harder and harder to avoid doubling up on certain titles (I am an addict)….and I just kept buying more (again, I am an addict). So here’s what I got myself into this morning:

That’s about 125 lps…all soundtracks for movies or teevee.

Well, that’s not totally true. I ran into a little problem with certain LPs. Look close at this picture:

Going clockwise:
THE HORN MEETS THE HORNET by Al Hirt….It has the Green Hornet Theme plus other themes like, Get Smart, King Kong (ABC-TV Series), Tarzan, Batman, and a few others.

SUPERMAN AND OTHER GALACTIC HEROES by Meco…Side one is Superman stuff but side two has The Boy Wonder, The Caped Crusader, Lord Of The Jungle, and The Amazing Amazon.

SUN RA VS. DAN AND DALE…This is all crazy Batman themed songs.

HEFTI IN GOTHAM CITY by Neal Hefti….again, all Bat-tastic songs.

So what’s the problem? How do I file these by title or even by a specific soundtrack when the first two have multiple themes? I settled on putting the last two in the B’s for Batman and filed Al in the G’s for the Green Hornet and Meco in the S’s for Superman. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but they’re not your records…and you don’t have to worry about finding them.

Okay, enough complaining. While pulling out all these gems I found some cool ones to share with you.

Not one, but two DAWN OF THE DEAD soundtracks! The first comes with a cool ZOMBI poster and has the amazing score by Goblin and the second has unreleased music from the film…like:


Peep these:

The 12″ for DR. DETROIT by Devo! God, I loved this movie as a kid!

Even though THE EXORCIST II stank, the Ennio Morricone score fucking rules! Listen:

Man, that track gives me goosebumps every time!

Anyway, I’m glad i have a soundtrack section and I’ll probably do some more sharing with you kids in the future…but until then, I gotta’ find me a copy of DR. DETROIT on dvd, stat!