Is It Me You’re Looking For?

Oh wow, nice Milan Williams bust!

Oh wow, nice Milan Williams bust!

Here’s a Canacorn fun fact…actually, it’s more of a Canacorn confession:

I didn’t know Lionel Richie was in The Commodores until 1995.

Yeah…I know. He was only the fucking front man of one of the biggest funk/soul bands of the 1970s.

Sue me.

Anyway, you guys remember the video for The Black Barry Manilow‘s super awesome ballad, “Hello“?

You know, the one where “there’s something going on in the sculpture class“?

You don’t?!

Well, shit, let’s watch it now!

Wouldn’t it be cool to try and sculpt Lionel’s bust blindfolded?

Well, the fine folks at Lean Mean Fighting Machine thought so…and they made a video…I think you ought to check it out (make sure you watch the whole thing to see the amazing results)!

Wow! They’re all wonderful. All those kids get an A++++!

Robots And Donuts

The Endless Training

The Endless Training

I don’t know about youse guys, but I love robots…and I love donuts!

Thankfully there’s an artist who decided to to put two great tastes that taste great together! His name is Eric Joyner and I think he’s totally boss!

I found out about Mr. Joyner when I stumbled upon his book, ROBOTS & DONUTS at work the other day.

Here’s a brief description from the Dark Horse site:

“In Robots and Donuts Joyner celebrates the era of tin toy robots in a series of whimsical, thoughtful, sometimes tragic but always stunning paintings depicting mechanical men and women in outlandish and impossible settings.”

The painting on the cover of this book caught my eye…check it:



And what I found inside blew my mind….enjoy some choice samples:



The Final Blow

The Final Blow

The Rope

The Rope

Hey, where’s the donuts?! Oh, right….

The Players

The Players

Propellor Head

Propellor Head

IO Jima

IO Jima

Check out more of Eric’s stuff at Ruminations from Tin World and buy yourself something pretty at his store!

“How sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrid, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young.”

Momma's Boy

Momma's Boy

Well, who do we have here?

Why it’s, Mr. Ozzy Osbourne Canacorn! The number one cat of the house and The Wife‘s best friend ’till the end!

As y’all may or may not know, we actually have four cats that live with us…I know, crazy…but Ozzy (or Ozymandias, as I sometimes call him…which will become important to today’s post in a minute or two) is definitely the King of the house.

And every King deserves to be immortalized right? Well, I think so…and since I don’t know any sculptors that could whip up a mighty statue of our favorite feline, I decided to do the next best thing. Commission a portrait! But who could do justice to this proud and arrogant beast? What mere mortal hand could possibly capture the Greatness that Ozzy inspires?

As fate would have it, I found such an artist…on MySpace!? You see, I was on the page of one of comic book’s greatest artists and writers, Rick Veitch, when a young lady’s name in his top friends caught my eye.

Leah Moore. Her name may not mean much to you if you’re not familiar with comic books…but some nerds (myself included) would say that she hails from a Royal Bloodline. But more importantly, she does pet portraits! (Just a quick side note here: She’s also an accomplished writer as well.)

Through Leah’s MySpace page I found her Etsy store…success! Not only were there examples of her work…but they were quite good. None of the animals featured were as regal and stately as Ozzy, but I could tell that Leah was definitely the artist for this particular undertaking. I quickly contacted the lovely lady to see if she was up to the task of capturing the timeless beauty of The Oz-man.

After a few pleasant emails to hammer out the details, Leah was set to go! It wasn’t long when she informed me that she was done….and here is the final product:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Needless to say, The Wife and I are more than pleased. I’d like to thank Leah a hundred times over and I can highly recommend her if you have a special pet you need immortalized…

Now hop on over to The Wife’s blog if you want to see some more pics of Leah working on the portrait!

Benihana Mama

99.44 % Pure

99.44 % Pure

Holee fuck! I didn’t even know this existed…it’s a disco song by the beautiful and talented Marilyn Chambers!

I found this clip over at a new to me blog, The Funhouse! Check ’em out…if you’re a 70s baby like myself, there’s tons of cool stuff to help you get through your boring day!

Anyway, back to Ms. Chambers and her disco single….that’s right, porn and disco!

Two great tastes that go great together! Anyone who visits Awesomeness on a semi regular basis knows this Canacorn is 1) a fan of the adult movie industry and 2) kind of gay…so what a perfect combination for lil’ ol’ me!

Marilyn has such a special place in my heart…know why? Well, here’s another Canacorn fun fact for y’all: Behind The Green Door was the very first porn film I ever saw! Cool, right? You know, I’ve always been a film aficionado and a fan of Art…even at a young age. Thanks, Mitchell Brothers, for making me into the man I am today!

I’m so sophisticated, I can barely stand myself!

Alright, enough jibba jabba, let’s get it on!

Now that was a great way to start my day.

Leisure Siths

WB Splatter

Feel The FURIE?

Ever hear of the guy? Me neither until super cool MONSTER BRAINS blogged about him!

Peep his amazing artwork!

This makes me happy!

This one makes me super happy!

Cool, huh?

You know, when The Wife and I have a baby, I’d love to use his art to decorate the nursery! I bet she’d totally go for it once she saw this:


Or this:

Kid friendly!

Please hop on over to Matt Furie’s page and dive into his beautiful brain right here! (I had the most fun clicking on the “Random Image” button over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over….


You are alive!

I’m lovin’ it!

Did I ever mention how happy Japan makes me?

Booty Meat

Man, I love me some art…and YouTube is the place for young women artists to truly explore the four basic elements of performance art!

The use of time, space, the performer’s body and a relationship between performer and audience has never been more powerful thanks to artists like jf340763872, Taylorkicious, and Miztreewoman.

In your face, Carolee Schneemann! Take that, Dragon Jane! Give it up, Guerrilla Girls! It’s 2008 and there’s some fresh young talent in the house!

Okay…okay, I’m just kidding. But I do want to talk about a new to me artist, Dennis Knopf. It looks like he has his German fingers in many pies involving the visual arts, but it’s his awesome creation of BOOTYCLIPSE that really caught my eye.

BOOTYCLIPSE is a YouTube channel…and the artist describes it as such:
Users have powerful tools for publishing and distributing content at their fingertips, and they show us:
Ass. Wiggly, bare, fat, American ass. Regardless wether its motivation emerged from the overload of casting shows, or music videos showing dancing titts in slow-motion; people tend to use YouTube to show what they can do, and boy can them gurls shake dat booty meat. Instead of getting distracted by the hot underaged ass jigglin to crunky beats the viewer can now reflect on the whole format of these home-made booty clips. Naturally the question arises wether the low-brow use of the given tools is what media firms are trying to achieve; or isn’t there a reason why TV is so stupid?

You see, he removes the booty shaker and leaves the room and the music….Need a visual? I thought so.

About This Video
Gettin my sexy on…


So, here’s the original Yes.

I have to admit, that I’m fascinated by the creepiness of the whole thing…here’s another:

About This Video
mi a dance yes

pump up her pum pum

You can watch the original here.

It’s all just so depressing…all of it…the original videos and the reimagined ones. But I can’t stop watching them…check out BOOTYCLIPSE and get your art on!

Thanks to SEX & BLOGS for the heads up!