Hope for A Better Tomorrow

Man, I’m just a sucker for t shirts…especially one featuring 3 of my favorite big screen heroes of all time!

Available from DUTCH SOUTHERN

Buy it now before life has become a whirlwind of looting and a firestorm of fear, in which men began to feed on men or…

Manhattan Island is turned into a maximum security prison or…

The world is a damn, dirty, dystopian ape society!

The Action “Comes Alive” As You Read!

As a little guy I had quite a few PETER PAN RECORDS. Do y’all remember those read along LPs featuring some of your favorite comic book and tee-vee characters? Boy, I sure do…I even found an old Kojak record not too long ago…look:

Who loves ‘ya, baby? You know Mr.Canacorn does…that’s why I found this cool YouTube site that has all sorts of Power Records for your listening and viewing pleasure! There are SUPERHEROES, MONSTERS, and for you more mature kids, MOVIE TIE-INS!

Today, I present to you, PLANET OF THE APES! (I never had this one, but I finally got to read along with all the action…and now, so can you!)

Classic Planet of the Apes Read Along from Power Records…Part 1

Part 2

They also released all four exciting stories on one record!


So hop on over to SECRET CAVERN to get your read along on! Or just Google “Power Records” and be amazed by the number of sites devoted to sharing these wonderful records with you…for free!

Oh, and this was just too cool…

I know, I’m a nerd.

Man-Up Mondays!

It’s a sad day here at Awesomeness For Awesome’s Sake…one of my personal heroes is no longer with us.

Today’s Man-Up Monday man of honor was going to be that wonderful prick, Dabney Coleman, but he has been bumped until next week so we can pay tribute to the one and only…

John Charles Carter (October 4, 1924 – April 5, 2008)

“I’ve played three presidents, three saints and two geniuses – and that’s probably enough for any man” -Charlton Heston

There’s so much I could say about Chuck…but I seem to be at a loss for words right now (This is rare, just ask The Wife)…

Okay, deep breath…Chuck has been one of my favorite actors since I was just a little guy playing PLANET OF THE APES with my cousin in Auntie Sue’s rumpus room. He was the coolest, gravel voiced, barrel chested, squared jaw, take no bullshit, get the girl, tough guy that ever graced the silver screen.

Now I know the Liberals got all into hating on Chuck due to the fact that he’s just another rich, old, white male…and something about the NRA…

Well, I try not to let my political views interfere with my movie watching, but did you know that before the Roarin’ Reagan 80s, Mr. Heston was a strong supporter of CIVIL RIGHTS and opposed to the VIETNAM WAR? Huh…who knew?

But I’m not here to turn AWESOMENESS into some sort of political discussion…I’ll leave that to other bloggers who are more into educating their readers instead of trying to entertain them.

Back to Chuck…not only did he play MARK ANTONY, MOSES, and MICHAELANGELO…but he also acted his ass off as A MEXICAN, A FRENCHMAN, and A PIRATE!

He was a true AMERICAN ORIGINAL…and 100% ALL MAN….I’m seriously bummed…Chuck, I’ll miss you, you old son of a bitch!

I hereby do declare CHARLTON HESTON as first entity in the MAN-UP MONDAY’S GODHEAD!

“If this god is God, he would live on every mountain, in every valley. He would not be the god of Ishmael or Israel alone, but of all men. It is said he created all men in his image. He would dwell in every heart, every mind, every soul.”


Rings, Bitches!

Stunning poster, huh? I remember staring slack jawed at it way back in 1978. As a kid I loved walking past the wall of NOW SHOWING and COMING SOON posters on the way to the ticket booth at our local theater….and after the films, my folks would indulge me in stopping by every poster again on the way to the car.

I was only six in 1978, so I hadn’t read THE RINGS yet, but I was somehow familiar with the story…and that poster…wow. It wasn’t until Bakshi’s RINGS made it’s way to the small screen, did I get to see Middle-earth come to life.

But this isn’t a review of Bakshi’s film…just a quick pit stop down memory lane. Today, I was feeling a bit geeky so I put on the 1978 LOTR soundtrack.

Truthfully, I didn’t really remember any musical cues or even the “Theme From Lord Of The Rings”, but I did get a memory jolt when the “Helm’s Deep” track started. That doesn’t mean I was disappointed with Leonard Rosenman’s score, actually, it was pretty damn exciting. Strangely enough, the more I listened to RINGS the more I kept thinking of the PLANET OF THE APES films. Imagine my surprise when I did a little nosing around on the interweb and found out that Mr. Rosenman scored both BENEATH and BATTLE ape films. Cool, right?

Anyway, the LOTR lp is a nifty gatefold with some awesome interior art:

Here’s a quick snippet of the Orcs at helm’s Deep:

Rewatching that little piece makes it perfectly clear why that music has stuck with me…I’m kind of a sucker for chanting…must be the Roman Catholic in me.

Oh, I also found this 6 minute video (strictly for all you nerds out there):

The Untold Story Of Ralph Bakshi’s Return of the King

Fim by: Scott Jonston

C’mon, Bakshi, get off your ass and put out Big Titty Girls Meet Spiderman, already!