Two For Tuesdays

And you were expecting something awesome?

Oh crap, what day is it?


Wow, way to disappoint Canacorn…a whole week since your last post?


Um..about that…I’m just lazy I guess.

So with that being said, I might as well keep this blog-train a rollin’ straight past disappointment and into complete and total failure…

Who’s hungry for some TACO*!?!?


Okay, okay…I get it, you’re worried I’m gonna’ hit you up with Puttin’ On The Ritz? Believe me, I was tempted, but you should have a little more faith in your ol’ buddy.

Let’s kick things off with, Under My Tight Skin!

Oh Taco, you ARE awesome!

What else you got for us today?

How about, Tell Me That You Like It (I’d like to dedicate the top and hairdo worn by the announcer at the beginning of this video to my pal, Yum-Yum, and the fabulous dancers to my Auntie John!)

Man, these live performances are truly works of art! I love how the post-Ritz-Taco is this bizarre combination of Wayne Newton and Perez Hilton!

I just have to play one more video…if only to thoroughly disgust Bwana and completely piss off Myrtle:

Last stop: Heart Break City

There’s your daily awesome for today….thank me later….

Canacorn out!

*No, One Night In Bangkok is not a Taco song…That’s

Two For Tuesdays

Hey there boners!

I know I promised a whole bunch of new awesomeness for you guys and gals in the next five weeks or so….and I also know I haven’t really delivered much in the way of awesome other than a single entry from last Friday…sorry ’bout that.

Honestly, I’m having a bit of a blog-block. Thanks to school, I’m so out of touch that I have absolutely NO idea what you kooky kids want to read about.

So today I figured I’d phone it in and hit you up with a Twofer straight from a teenage girl’s favorite mixtape circa 1993.

Blender magazine called today’s pick a “blues-rock sorceress trafficking in social politics and dark, tormented songwriting.” But don’t let that turn you off…

Here’s 2 tracks from Polly Jean Harvey off of Rid Of Me:

Man-Size (Click HERE for the equally awesome Man-Size Sextet):

Oh, and since Universal Music Group refuses to allow embedding of their artists’ videos, just click on the pic of PJ to watch the video for 50ft Queenie on YouTube.

So that’s that.

Seriously, I’m really gonna’ try and figure out something to blog about before I head back to school…

Two For Tuesdays

toniHey boners, it’s Toni Basil!

I know the picture makes you think you’re getting “Mickey” as one of your songs today…

But you’re not.

It’s not like you haven’t heard it a million times anyway…

The closest you’ll get from me today is Kitty by Racey, and you’ll fucking like it.

So, uh, here’s Toni with a cover of DEVO‘s “Space Girl Blues

Space Girls

Now let’s check out “You Got A Problem“…which is a cover of DEVO‘s “Pity You“:

What are the chances that today’s two-fer fails just as miserably as last Tuesday’s?

Knowing my audience, pretty damn good.

C U Next Tuesday!

Two For Tuesdays

missp2 Hey lookee here, I actually made it two Tuesdays in a row!

Who’d a thunk it?

Not you, I’m sure…well, let me disappoint you even more with today’s two-fer!

How about some Missing Persons?

Sure, sure, you think you never need to hear “Words” again (you’re wrong) and you think “Walking In LA” is lame (strike two, boner, that song also rules…anyone remember when Traci Lords covered it), so I’ll spare you the hits and serve up a couple of other tracks this Tuesday…

WINDOWS” from Spring Session M

And since EMI has a no embedding policy for their videos just click on the pic of Dale to see today’s second video!

GIVE” of off Rhyme & Reason


Man, I really had the hots for ol’ Dale Bozzio when I was a kid…imagine if I could have gotten my hands on that issue of Hustler (NSFW) she was in…I’d probably be blind.

Two For Tuesdays Is Back?!

The answer to that question is, “YES!”

There has been a severe lack of posting here at Awesomeness…and for that, I apologize.

There’s just not enough time in the day you know…and with school starting up at the end of August, there will be even less.

So to make myself feel better about even having a blog, I’m going to try and bring back Two For Tuesdays (again….I think we all remember how I failed miserably the last time)! But this time I’m gonna’ let the music do the talking…which is probably for the best since I know how much you guys hate to read…but hey, who am I to judge?

So let’s do this…today I bring you…


Quick Ferrante, to the wigs!

Quick Ferrante, to the wigs!

African Echoes

Midnight Cowboy

And that’s that!

Now let’s see if I can finally finish that Fetish Fridays I started weeks ago…

Two For Tuesdays…Sort Of

Every Monday I head on over to The House Of Self-Indulgence to see what music videos Yum-Yum has hand picked to tickle my visual, vestibular, auditory and proprioceptive inputs.

And yesterday there were two songs by two ladies that tickled my pinks and blacks!

First, my pinks:

Listen to a couple more of Renee’s sweet and quirky songs on her MySpace page.

Now, my blacks:

Hey, waddayaknow, Geneva’s got her dark and slutty songs up on her MySpace thingy too!

Wouldn’t it be cool if these two stone foxes were sisters and you were best friends with their brother? I mean, imagine all the boners you would get just being in the same room with one of them, and then imagine all the boners your boners would get if they were in the same room at the same time?!

Christ, I gotta’ take a cold shower…

Two For Tuesdays

Oh, snap! Two For Tuesdays is running late this week…contrary to popular belief, Mr. Canacorn has a life away from the interweb.

Anyway, I was thinking about serving up some KOOL KEITH joints, but then thought, “Why not hit the kids up with a couple of Keith’s side projects?”

Great idea, me. First up…THE CENOBITES!


Did any of you hip hop kids get to pick up the 1996 ULTRA collabo with Keith and TIM DOG?


DAAAAAAMMMMMMMNNNNNNN, TIM DOG don’t fuck around! Remember FUCK COMPTON or BITCH WITH A PERM? Yeah you do! East Coast or West Coast? I usually lean to the East…but it’s all good.

Gotta’ ghost, Canacorn has shit to do, yo!

Two For Tuesdays

I know last week was a bit rough for some of my more sensitive readers (Dr. Julius, anyone?) so how about a gentler twofer this week, kids?

Today we get all twee new pop with HAIRCUT 100!

Oh, Nick, I just love the way you look at me with those big brown eyes and that impish schoolboy grin…


Fuck, can they wear anymore sweaters?! And what gives with all the smiling…awww, who am I trying to kid, I love these blokes!

FAVOURITE SHIRTS (BOY MEETS GIRL)…turn up your speakers, this one’s kinda quiet…

More sweaters….and does the drummer ever stop smiling?! Has anyone ever had as much fun playing the sweet, sweet saxophone? If so, please let me know, cause I love the saxophone more than Ding Dongs…and daddy loves his Ding Dongs.*

* I accept all gay jokes that my fearless readers decide to subject me to now and forever…just make ’em good ones…

Two For Tuesdays

Last Tuesday was a bit vanilla…but today is all chocolate, baby.

Before we get to the music….
The Wife and I have been watching THE WIRE lately….yes, it’s as awesome as everyone says…and while all the characters are compelling, there is a Mr. Canacorn favorite. I know you’re pegging me as an Omar Little man, and you’d be right if it wasn’t for Stringer Bell.

Here is where I became a convert: (From Season 1…no spoilers)

The Wife calls String, The Wise Owl…but she has a thing for owls.

Does Stringer look like anyone to you? A musician, maybe? Well, he reminds me of one of my favorite MCs:

ANTONIO HARDY….but you may know him by another name….The King Asiatic Nobody’s Equal….BIG DADDY KANE!

It was hard to choose two videos this Tuesday, so I went with an early hit…

Aint No Half Steppin’

….and what some would call, a later misstep. For the record, I think the following song is fucking romantically genius!

All Of Me (featuring Barry White?!)’s kind of creepy the way Barry’s all hanging around peeping on Big Daddy and his lady friend…but hey, he is the Obi-Wan Kenobi of BLACK TAIL (Uh, that link is soooo NOT SAFE FOR WORK….or for the easily offended…seriously.)

Two For Tuesdays

Here’s a Two For Tuesdays Canacorn fun fact: I love me some country and western music.

Today brings us, none other than, Loretta Lynn. Killer voice, looks, and lyrics…a true country triple threat.

My favorite LL song, FIST CITY:


Oh, one last thing…why aren’t commercials this sincere anymore?