Thank You For Being A Friend

Bernice Frankel - May 13, 1922 – April 25, 2009

Bernice Frankel - May 13, 1922 – April 25, 2009

My deepest condolences to the Frankel family, Walter, Carol, Rose, Blanche, Sophia, Greedo, and Freemblap.

*please click the pic for a musical tribute

Fetish Fridays! NSFW Funnies

art-tijuana-bible1 You know, I’m not sure why I call this occasional dip into the waters of perversity Fetish Fridays anymore…

It’s rare that I actually discuss a specific paraphilia these days. It’s a lot harder than you think, you know. Picking the right fetish…finding the right pictures and/or videos…avoiding all the fetishes that are boring, stupid or too fucked up even for Awesomeness.

I mean, I guess I could whip up a post about Somnophilia complete with a link to, but why?

I’d rather talk about Tijuana Bibles instead of some totally fake Snow White-whore-sleep-rape website…sorry…maybe next time, kids.

I really don’t remember exactly when I figured out what a Tijuana Bible was…it may have been sometime in 1986…and it just might have been because of Alan Moore’s WATCHMEN. Remember when Sally Jupiter got all excited when she found out she was featured in one? No? Well Zack Snyder did…check out the pic at the top of this post!

Pretty cool, huh? It’s the little details like that one that have me pretty damn excited about the upcoming film.

Anyway, even though there isn’t a real Tijuana Bible featuring the Silk Spectre there are plenty featuring some of your favorite characters from the funny papers! These little “fuck books” were what people used to look at waaaaaay back before there was The Internet, you know. But rest assured, they are filled with just as much porn, racism, and toilet humor that today’s internet connoisseurs expect!

jiggsNow, some of you youngsters might not remember Bringing Up Father, but if you’re anything like me, then you’re just dying to see anything involving sex and farts

So click on the picture and get transported to the wonderful world of!

Oh, Jiggs, you slay me!

They even have a Dagwood one…and even though they didn’t work in a gag involving giant sandwich insertion, it’s still pretty good.

Oh, and there’s Barney Google and J. Wellington Wimpy…and even Moon Mullins gets some action!

Okay, okay, I can tell all this old timey shit is boring the Hell out of you kooky kids…so we’ll cut this short. But as usual, I have to hit you up with one more picture then you can go look at all your shiny, futuristic, new fangled pr0n….sheesh…kids today!

I'll say! 23 skidoo!

I'll say! 23 skidoo!

Y’all ain’t got no appreciation for real entertainment!