Aunt Martha Is Awesome

 	Inspiration comes from an inner source. A persons creative energy and inner energy is an integral part of your being.

Inspiration comes from an inner source. A persons creative energy and inner energy is an integral part of your being.

I believe, a role is something that is created very slowly. It is a subliminal kind of thing .. it just happens when you are working.

I believe, a role is something that is created very slowly. It is a subliminal kind of thing .. it just happens when you are working.

When I met Robert he did not want me to read the script, but physically act out what he suggested. I listened to his directorial and did the best I could keeping in mind his direction.

When I met Robert he did not want me to read the script, but physically act out what he suggested. I listened to his directorial and did the best I could keeping in mind his direction.

Desiree Gould channels Rinse Dream and makes Sleepaway Camp a fucking classic.

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